Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 35:- On Human Space Travel (2024)

It was with great reluctance that I had left Nikki for the second time at the mercy of my old foes, but despite that in the short time we spent together in those two hours I felt our bond only deepen as a result. Of course it wouldn't be for another couple of weeks until we would be reunited once again, a day I most looked forward to. Putting that to the back of my mind, my thoughts turned my current mission. I had yet to research human space travel so the news bulletin I watched had reminded me that during their survey of the Sol system, The Star Corps had detected the International Space Station from afar and studied it. They had declared that the level of technology was primitive, at least 200 years behind Zenobian standard. But they didn't spare a thought for human astronauts or life aboard the ISS. That's where I of course come in so I resolved to do my duty for my people. What I would discover is human space travel is fun, rewarding but also downright terrifying. And this time I would have all the freedom I needed as the MiB were nowhere to be seen...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

The Zephyr 30,000ft and descending into Kourou 07:00am Wednesday 9th September 2024

"Interesting. According to the Star Corps report the Zephyr or any other Zenobian vessel for that matter wouldn't be able to dock with the ISS. So it looks like I'am doing to be doing this the fun way. Besides, I never have liked the direct approach." Kremm in the pilots chair grinned as Ellana stood behind him, scanning the SC briefing slate. "They will never see you coming, highness! You will be like a Shadow!" Ellana smiled. "Ah Callindra versus the Valori Amazons! That was my favourite simulation in the Academy. They shouldn't have kidnapped her sister." Kremm nodded grinning "Callindra? She was my first crush while I was in the Royal Military Academy too, highness. Well until I...er..got assigned to your protection." He punctuated with a little nervous cough. Ellana looked at him a mixture of confusion and bemusem*nt. "Something in your throat, Kremm?" The captain blushed slightly. "Uh...good luck your highness." Ellana patted him on the back as she left the co*ckpit. "Since when I have I needed luck old friend, I have you." She heard Kremm chuckle as she felt the ship land on the earth. Pressing the door release, Ellana felt the rush of warm of warm air hit her pink skin, taking a deep breath she savoured it before walking down the ramp feeling the clang of metal replaced by the crutch of leaf litter.

3km west from Kourou Spaceport, French Guiana 07:10am

Waving Kremm off, Ellana watched the beautiful sight of the Zephyr ascend into the morning sky. Turning around Ellana took in her surroundings, it looked like she was in a jungle clearing with plenty of cover. Crouching into the foliage she crept silently until she reached a main road, looking down she saw a single figure on a bike get closer. Feeling a chime from her waist, Ellana unclipped the holo seeing Kremm's blue shimmering head appear in her hand. "Highness, I have a single heat signature on the road ahead. Looks female and she's travelling on a curious pedalled conveyance." Ellana shook her head chuckling. " Its called a bicycle Kremm and yes I can just see her now she's perfect." Replacing the holo, Ellana coiled like a spring as the girl got closer. She was a pretty little thing with tanned heart shaped features, high cheekbones and big brown almond shaped eyes. Her long brown hair tied into a ponytail flying behind her like a pennant. Her pleasing petite form was hugged by red tank top with "Laurent's Auto Repair" flashed over her small breasts, white belted denim shorts, matching ankle socks and red sneakers. Gracing her neck was a small crucifix and her ears pierced. Coiling like a serpent, Ellana waited just as the human neared her hiding place before she pounced. Grabbing the terrified girl who let out a small squeak, by her tank top Ellana pulled her off her bike onto the tarmac her bike travelling a few feet before clattering to the ground. Without giving the squirming girl a chance to scream, Ellana chopped her in the right side of her neck. The human let out a pained yelp as the blow connected, slumping unconscious onto the road on her side. Grabbing a handful of the girl's tank top, Ellana took out her communicator. "Female pacified, assuming her form now. Happy hunting Kremm." She said as she dragged the unconscious girl into the dense jungle.

After peeling off her catsuit, Ellana knelt by the unconscious girl taking her into her arms assuming her form with a kiss as she loosened her hair tie. "Maiwenn Da Silva, 20, Auto Mechanic. Local girl. She works out of her father's garage as an apprentice mechanic, and is saving up money to buy a motorcycle, although her father as his misgivings." Ellana said as she adopted Maiwenn's ponytail before removing her jewellery putting it on herself. Hoisting the girl into a seated position, Ellana help Maiwenn's arms pulling up the tank top over her head then unhooked her solid white push up bra. Letting the half naked girl flop back onto the jungle floor, Ellana admired Maiwenn's small but cute A-cup breasts with puffy circular dark brown areolas as she clasped on the bra, then took out her navel piercing inserting in her own. After she had removed the girls socks and sneakers, Ellana unbelted the denim shorts working them off her slender hips then down her long tanned legs then whipped off her matching solid g-string thong exposing Maiwenn's tidy little cl*tor*s crowned with a thick strip of dark brown hair. Once she had finished dressing in Maiwenn's clothes, feeling the weight of a smartphone in the shorts rear pocket, Ellana put the holo to her mouth stepping over the slim naked body of the unconscious Maiwenn, getting a good glimpse of her small plum shaped tanned buttocks as she walked onto the road.

"Kremm, sending you the location to retrieve the suit. Leave the girl. By the time she wakes up, she won't be a threat." Saying a quick farewell, Ellana replaced the holo walking towards the fallen bicycle. Hopping on she used Maiwenn's phone the find the quickest route to the Spaceport. "Excellent! It's only three kilometres to the spaceport, not to far away. That should only take about an hour. I better start peddling." Putting the phone back into her stolen shorts pocket, Ellana turned the bike around heading in the direction of Kourou Spaceport.

Outside Kourou Spaceport 08:02am

Arriving across from the spaceport, Ellana found the place to be an hive of activity as news agencies from around the world fought to get past the guarded checkpoint. Leaning on her stolen bike across from the checkpoint Ellana planned her next move. I doubt they will let a local girl, even if she's attractive as Maiwenn. A journalist however... There were plenty of suitable candidates milling around but most of them were in groups and would easily be missed if one was dragged away suddenly. I need a female on her own. To her right she noticed a pretty young woman, a BBC journalist according to her press ID, alone in a carpark too busy talking on her phone. Wheeling the bike into the ditch, Ellana appraised the woman as she crept low towards her using the parked cars as cover.

"I know right, sweetheart. This place is a paradise I certainly got lucky landing this cushy gig on short notice!" BBC Science Correspondent Joss Naismith said to her boyfriend Timothy, her editor. Catching her reflection in her side mirror, Joss grinned. She was a looker with rounded features, slender cheekbones and doe shaped blue eyes framed by her long honey blonde hair, loose around her shoulders. She was dressed today in a charcoal grey pantsuit, lace black camisole, and matching high heels. Looped earrings with a chain necklace. "Yeah, it's not everyday you catch a shuttle launch. Sure beats reporting on climate change, freezing my tit* off in the arctic. Look, I've gotta go. See you soon, love you. Bye!" As soon as she hung up, Joss felt a hand clamp around her mouth, silencing her muffled cry of shock knocking her phone from her hand. " Sorry, dear. I have a shuttle to catch." Joss whimpered as a strong local girl's accent hissed in her ear, a slender hand gripping her throat. Her whimpers were cut short into a muffled aroused squeak of pain as her attacker pinched the sensitive sides of her neck. Joss' eyes rolled back into her head slumping unconscious into Ellana's arms, the last sensation she felt was being laid on the back seat of her rental car.

Straddling the unconscious woman Ellana stripped off Maiwenn's clothing before taking the blonde into her arms looping the press ID over her head then assumed her form with a kiss. "Joss Naismith, 27, BBC World News, Science Correspondent. Her boyfriend is her editor Timothy and she didn't have to sleep with him to get the story. They are very much in love and plan to get engaged in the Carribbean. The two met during a stormtrooper rally in the UK, where they cosplay as imperial stormtroopers. They are devout Star Wars fans." Ellana removed Joss' jewellery putting it them on then peeled off her suit jacket from her shoulders. After slipping off the reporters high heels, Ellana unfastened the woman's trousers whipping the garment off her hips and down her long legs along with her black lace thong, exposing a full cl*tor*s topped with a thinly trimmed strip of golden blonde hair. Pulling on the stolen underwear, Ellana flicked up the half naked Joss' arms sliding her camisole up over her head admiring the journalists buoyant C-cup breasts with circular perky pink areolas. Once she had gotten dressed in the reports clothes, Ellana took the naked woman's ankles dragging her off the back seat then picked Joss up under her shoulders. Dragging the reporter to her trunk, she bundled the naked body inside taping up her wrists, ankles and gagging her with a strip of duct tape. Tossing in Maiwenn's clothes and Joss' smartphone Ellana snapped the trunk shut. Then looping the reporters ID over her head, she approached the checkpoint.

Kourou Spaceport Main Hall 08:25am

In the guise of BBC correspondent Joss Naismith, Ellana along with the other journalists in the press pack were shown into the main hall where on a raised platform sat on at a table was three humans. Two were males dressed in suits with ESA ID badges, the man to the left was blonde the other dark haired, flanking a pretty young redheaded female with diamond shaped features, sculptured cheekbones and pale green eyes. She was looking around nervous, fidgeting in her chair. Her auburn hair tied into an elegant knot. Her athletic petite form hugged by a blue jumpsuit with logos of both the ESA and CNES, stitched on her right breast, which Ellana took to be the French space agency if the tricolour on her left shoulder was anything to go by. Her name printed on a black patch opposite the logos read " Dr Celene Giroux." She must be replacement astronaut from the news report. Her form will get me onto that shuttle. But first I need to get her alone, let's see how this plays out. The man to Giroux's right cleared his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a couple of hours till the launch, so we have time for a couple of quick questions." The room became a buzz of activity as the journalists started to clamour over each other. The man to the left pointed to a young male in the front row wearing a crisp grey suit.

"Gaspard Lemarcke, AFP. Madam Giroux; How do you feel about representing our nation in space?" Celene looked nervously at the two men beside her before clearing her throat. "Well I..er.. represent all of humanity not just the people of France. But nevertheless I'am...erm...very honoured, yes." Nodding the man scribbled something in his note pad before sitting back down as the clamouring for attention resumed. The next question came from a middle aged blonde American woman wearing a wine red suit. "Gwen Powers, NBC. Mrs Giroux; Since your replacing Berndt Kruger, an experienced German astronaut on such short notice ; How does it feel to be the youngest crew member on the ISS?" Celene gulped once again looking at the men beside her. "Well...er...I feel nervous of course but this is what I have been training for the past 5 months. I'am r-really looking...uh...forward to it." She let out a nervous little laugh as another journalist stood up, this one a dark skinned woman . "Regina Bishop, CNN. This is the first in the history of the ISS that there will be an all female crew, Mrs Giroux. What are your thoughts?" Celene wrung her hands glancing to her feet before she answered. "Well...uh...I say it's a defining moment in the history of women. A chance for us to show that...er..space is not solely for men. Who knows perhaps without distractions we can get some..real work done." The crowd let out a collective laugh as the jostling resumed. Ellana stuck her hand up high. "Joss Naismith, BBC World News. Mrs Giroux. Do you think they will have ice cream on the station?" The crowd became silent as Celene flashed a bemused look at her. "I...er...what?" Suddenly the man to her left shot up. "That's all the questions we have time for right now." The men said irritably in a german accent as Celene rose from her chair. "Mrs Giroux has to prepare for what will be her first launch, she needs her rest. Please we invite you to obverse the launch from mission control." As they led the woman out of the room, Ellana used the chaos to slip through the crowds following the group. What was wrong with that? It was a perfectly reasonable question. She thought squeezing through the door.

Astronauts Quarters 08:55am

Using the tight corners and winding corridors to her advantage, Ellana hung back following the group from a safe distance while avoiding the patrolling armed security guards in their white uniforms. This feels just like the simulations. The security in this place is a joke, it's like they actually want me to replace her. Darting crouched past a female guard who had her back to her, Ellana rounded a corner to observe Celene walking into her quarters while the two suited men stood outside. " Are you alright, Mrs Giroux? They just threw a lot of fire at you in there." The blonde male said as his partner nodded. "The question about the ice cream was the worst." Celene sighed with a shuddering breath. "It didn't settle my nerves, put it that way. The sooner I'am in space the better." The blonde smiled "Well we will leave you to it, good luck Celene, a member of the ground crew will come to collect you in half an hour." With that the two men retreated down the corridor as Celene disappeared into her quarters. Now's my chance. Grinning she walked towards the door, pushing down the handle.

Sitting at her desk, Celene glanced at the picture of her husband Marcel on her desk, a handsome man in his naval uniform beaming as he clutched her dressed in her wedding dress, letting out a deep breath. Here I'am Marcel about to blast off into space and I haven't had the chance to say goodbye, I'am going to miss your touch. But as soon as I get back we are going to try hard for that baby. The sound of the door opening behind her made Celene turn around quickly, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw the facetious blonde BBC journalist advance towards her right arm raised like a blade. "You can't be in her-ugh!!" She let out a pained squeak as the reporters hand connected with the right side of her throat, rendering her instantly unconscious. Catching the falling astronaut's weight under her arms, Ellana lowered her to the floor. "Of course I can, dear. Especially if I look like you." She chuckled to Celene as she stripped off Joss' clothing.

Kneeling naked by the unconscious Celene, Ellana took the astronaut into her arms assuming her form with a passionate embrace as she loosened the redhead's blue scrunchie. " Dr Celene Giroux, 28, CNES Spationaut and Astrophysicist. She's happily married to a French Naval Officer and the two have been trying for a baby for a while, but so far no luck. She wasn't relishing her tour in space, since she will be away from her beau for six months. Well it looks like I have done you a favour dear" Ellana quipped as she copied Celene's knot before unlacing her black leather boots, pulling them off along with her white cotton ankle socks. Unzipping the spationaut's jumpsuit Ellana peeled it from the woman's tight athletic body leaving her wearing only a white cropped camisole, the nipples of her B-cup breasts peaking through the thin fabric, and matching hipster shorts. Rubbing her hands together Ellana first whipped off Celene's hipster shorts, exposing a small womanhood topped with trimmed strip of auburn pubic hair and pert peach shaped buttocks. After pulling on the stolen shorts, Ellana flicked up Celene's arms pulling her camisole up over her head. Letting the now naked spationaut flop back down onto the floor, Ellana admired the woman's firm B-cup breasts with puffy full light pink areolas and stiff nipples. Standing over Celene's athletic naked form, Ellana stepped into the jumpsuit zipping it up before lacing up the boots. Now fully dressed she tore up Joss' black camisole binding Celene's limbs then gagged her with the press ID, then taking the woman under her armpits Ellana dragged her over to her closet stashing her inside along with the reporters clothes. All i have to do now is wait. She smiled taking a seat switching on the TV.

45 minutes later Ariane V8 155 Rocket Designation Icarus

Ellana did not have to wait long as she was collected by a young male engineer dressed in a navy jumpsuit, who led her to the astronauts locker room. There she pulled on Celene's spacesuit which was surprisingly bulky and stifling inside. They expect their astronauts to travel into space wearing this? How primitive? We have used exo-suits in our space program for the last 50 years and they are much more comfortable. Plus they do great things to your figure. Tucking her fishbowl helmet under her arm, Ellana followed the young man onto a buggy which took her towards the large imposing rocket that loomed closer and closer. I remember that the Space Corps briefing said that the humans still used primitive rockets to break their atmosphere. Compared to Zenobian craft that's dangerous and rudimentary at best. I can see why Celene was so nervous. I certainly don't like the idea of sitting on a bomb waiting to explode. Still, no matter I'am looking forward to going to the ISS. Steeling herself took a deep breath as they reached the launchpad.

After a short elevator ride up the launch gantry, Ellana fixed on her helmet then walked out to a round of applause as a line of engineers flanked the catwalk that lead to the waiting rocket. Sharing smiles at the cheering humans, she made her way down towards the hatch climbing through taking her seat sitting vertically. As she buckled up, an astronaut sitting in the front seat turned in his seat. "Hey. This is your first time up, am I right? He said with a friendly American accent. Ellana nodded. "Yes. Any last minute advice?" The man chuckled. "Nothing really. Just keep your mouth shut during the ride or you will bite your tongue off. Just look at it like a super fast cab and you will have nothing to worry about. Trust me." Feeling less then reassured, Ellana heard the the snap of the hatch closing as her pilot went through the preflight checks. Then after 15 minutes she could hear the roar of the thrusters beneath her followed by a whooshing sound as the rocket cleared the launch pad. Feeling the g-forces pin her to her seat, Ellana gripped the edges of her seat fearful as the rocket shook violently. Where the hell are the momentum dampeners on this thing? It's shaking up worse than an Orion's toilet. Let's hope I don't bring up my breakfast or explode. Give me the Zephyr anyday. Then suddenly the violent rattling stopped as the rocket cleared earths upper atmosphere. Ellana began to float in her chair as experienced weightlessness. Glad that's over. Next stop the ISS. She grinned hearing the decoupling of the rockets module, then the sound of the retro rockets flying propelling the little module towards the waiting space station.

Parking Lot Outside MiB Headquarters, Battery Park, New York City 18:00pm

"Yes, this is Senior Agent P support team 05, Task Force Ellana, go ahead Agent B." P spoke into his communicator as the rest of the of the Task Force sat expectantly around him in the tech van. "Uh-huh. So you can confirm that it's definitely the work of our changeling? Okay so that's one French spationaut and two civilians." The man made an affirmative sound. "Yes sir, all found alive but stripped naked. The spationaut, Celene Giroux is still unconscious. I have contained the situation and neuralysed the victims. But your changeling as gone up to the ISS and she won't be back for another week." P shared a glance with L as he scribbled down the details. "Alright, thanks B. The moment Giroux wakes up, process her and keep me posted." Hanging up he turned to the rest of the team.

"That was Agent B, our man at the Kourou Spaceport. You'll never guess where our girl as gone next? Straight up to the ISS." P and L laughed as M looked on bemused. "Um, maybe I'am missing something but what's so funny?" P picked up his mug off coffee taking a measure before he answered. "We can start filtering communications with the ISS to make sure nothing gets out, but otherwise we can catch a breath. Ellana will probably return with the next return flight in about a week." L then turned to the rookie agent. "We can track it and find Ellana, simple as that." P nodded. "Mhm. We will let her have her fun then once we have her, we'll send a team up to clean up her mess on the ISS. But for the time being we can kick back and relax, take a week off." M leaned across the table. "Are we sure we should underestimate Ellana? We have in the past and look where we ended up. And what happens if she lands in the ocean-ow!!" M felt the sting of her bosses hand on the back of her head as P chuckled. "Rookie! You heard P, get outta here and relax. Don't be such a downer. Besides, haven't you been complaining about not seeing enough of V?" Turning from her L held out her hand. "I believe you promised me dinner, Paddy. I'am starving." Taking up her hand in his, P grabbed his coat. "Right you are, madam. Allow me to be your escort." He said pulling her out of the chair, giggling they left M alone with the rest of the support team, rubbing the back of her head before she swept from the van.

Walking out into the cool evening her, M took out her communicator calling V. "Hey babe, free for an evening? I have a week's furlough thanks to Ellana." V giggled. "Well lucky for you Martie I have just finished my shift. Something come up?" M filled her in on Ellana and the ISS. "Wow, she sure gets around. Where do you want to meet?" M smiled. "There's a club called the Vortex on West 97th Street on Broadway. Do you know it?" V made an affirmative sound. "Mhm. Just let me slip into something sexy and I will be right there. Love you, sweetie." M nodded a warm feeling spreading through her. "Love you too. See you soon, babe." Hanging up she flagged down a nearby cab, looking forward to a night of revelry.

The International Space Station, Low Earth Orbit 23:00pm GMT

The trip to the ISS took the better part of six hours, the pilot having to make the slightest of course corrections through liberal use of the retro burners in an effort to "catch up" to the ISS which loomed ominously above continental Europe. A task the American astronaut had described as "Trying to fly a pickle into a pickle barrel travelling at over 500mph. Ellana now found herself in the docking tube, hearing the craft behind her detach from the docking ring to begin it's journey back to Earth. Propelling herself forwards to open the hatch, Ellana had felt the uncomfortable feeling of her insides floating around. I see that the humans haven't mastered artificial gravity either. It's definitely a good thing I haven't ate anything in a while. She had been on spacecraft before, travelling with her mum on state visits across the Kingdom but she never experienced true weightlessness before. It was certainly...something." Has she cranked open the hatch, Ellana floated through only to be greeted by five very attractive astronauts.

The first in the group, a striking ebony skinned NASA astronaut with rounded features, prominent cheekbones and big brown eyes. Her long raven coloured hair tied into a ponytail. Her full voluptuous figure hugged by a white short sleeve NASA polo shirt, complete with logo and US flag stitched on her left breast, navy cargo pants and white plimsolls. "Dr Giroux? Welcome to the ISS. I'am Captain Zoe Freeman, NASA and mission commander-" She was interrupted by a petulant cough from the blonde square jawed woman to her right, with a wound braid around her head. Her red jumpsuit marked with the russian flag and logo of Roscosmos, complemented by black laced boots. Freeman shot her an irritated look. "That's Dr Natalia Kovolyova, Roscosmos, botanist and my XO." The woman gave a stiff nod, as Freeman gestured to a pretty Japanese astronaut with slender features, cheekbones and slanted hazel eyes framed by shoulder length brown hair. "Dr Keiko Matsuo, JAXA and an astrophysicist." The petite woman wearing a light blue short sleeve polo shirt with the rising sun flag on her right breast, JAXA logo on the opposite, matching cargo pants and white sneakers. Next to her was a pretty Canadian astronaut, with big blue eyes and pixie cut strawberry blonde hair. "Dr Stella Lundy, from the CSA and Chief Medical Officer." Stella, wearing a black short sleeve polo shirt with red underarms, maple leaf on the right breast and opposite that the CSA logo, black trousers with matching plimsolls waved at Ellana. "Finally, Dr Gloria Fuentes from the EEA our resident mechanical engineer. She will be leaving us in the next couple of days." Gloria, a pretty red head with gentle freckled features and flame coloured hair tied into a bun flashed her a smile. She was dressed in a black zip up EEA hoodie, the Spanish flag prominent on her left breast, matching trousers and Nike trainers. Underneath was the hint of a white t-shirt. With introductions out of the way, Freeman turned back to Ellana. Five beautiful human females and me? This going to be fun. The Zenobian thought with a smile.

"We all look forward to working with you, Dr Giroux. Now I'am sure the trip up was no picnic and you must be tired. Dr Lundy here will get you settled into your quarters, get you rested and ready for tomorrow." Shaking the commanders hand, Ellana floated after Stella who smiled as she led Ellana through the cramped confines of the station. "So your trip up was your first time right? How did you find it, Celene?" Ellana ducked to avoid catching her helmet on the hatch rim as they propelled themselves forwards. "It was certainly...disconcerting. So much rattling, honestly I thought we were going to blow up." Lundy laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I have been up three times myself and it doesn't get any easier. I see you didn't throw up in your helmet so that's a good thing." After what seemed like five minutes, they had arrived to a small cramped but homey looking room. "Here it is. I know it's not much but it's your home for the next six months. Well I will leave you to get settled. Take care and sweet dreams, see you later." After tapping her shoulder, Lundy disappeared to the right.

Once she had taken off her spacesuit and Celene's jumpsuit, stashing them inside her locker Ellana floated over to the small bunk. Exhausted she laid her head down and quickly sleep took her, where she dreamt of exploding rockets and Nikki catching her in her arms.

ISS Wednesday 10th September 2024 09:00am GMT

After waking at 09:00am, according to the small digital clock on the wall of her quarters Ellana gingerly got dressed and with the lack of artificial gravity, this harder than it should have been. Twice she had to stop herself from spinning into the wall as she zipped up her jumpsuit. If the simple act of getting dressed was bad enough, then breakfast was most definitely worse. She had picked up a foiled packet of something called an MRE, which had the completely unnatural combination of banana and bee, tearing it in half and watched as the disgusting looking yellow foodstuff floated in the air taunting her whenever she tried to get close. How humans get by without anti gravity stabilisers is beyond me! This is simply maddening! Ellana then gave up when she realised their was a straw attached to the side of the packet, throwing away the packet in frustration before eating what food was free floating in front of her, grimacing at the unappealing taste. "Right, that primitive Human shuttle has left me feeling queasy. Perhaps getting to know these humans will do the trick and put it out of my mind." Floating forwards, Ellana followed the signs to the science module.

Science Module 09:15am GMT

Entering the science module, Ellana found Dr Keiko Matsuo busing herself with an experiment on fluid dynamic in low gravity conditions a subject matter she herself was familiar with having studied it in the Academy back home and just experienced with her breakfast. Fascinating! It seems humans are working towards a breakthrough too. It would be interesting to get a human opinion. "Good morning, Dr Giroux. I trust you had a comfortable sleep. The first night is usually the hardest, trust me." Asked Keiko as Ellana floated near her shoulder. "Sleeping wasn't the problem, eating breakfast was." Keiko turned to face her. "Oh my god! You didn't tear the packet did you? You used the straw, right?" Ellana blushed slightly. "Um, yes. It was just the sensation of my organs floating around. How do you cope?"She lied as Keiko shook her head. "Believe me, you never get used to that." Ellana turned her attention to the experiment. "Could I ask you a few questions about your observations in fluid dynamics?" Keiko nodded. "Sure. I had been meaning to ask you some questions about your thesis, myself." Ellana smiled. "Okay here are my questions; How is the liquid in this state in low gravity? And "Why does it coalesce like that in a vacuum?" Keiko shot her a confused look. "Um, doctor? Didn't you write a paper on fluid dynamics? Are you feeling alright? Perhaps that shuttle ride disorientated you?" Ellana noticed with alarm that she was reaching for a wall mounted phone. She's trying to alert the others that she's onto me! Not so fast! She raised her right hand, as Keiko turned away. "I will give Stella a call. She can give you a once-ugh!!" The Japanese astronaut let out a pained whelp as Ellana's hand connected with her neck, rendering the woman instantly unconscious where she hung in mid air arms outstretched.

"For skuts sake! Why does that always happen?! I was just asking simple questions. Well, Keiko it looks like I'am going to become you anyway. It wasn't what I planned but you are quite comely so it's not all bad. Besides, you will be awake in 30 minutes and that could be a problem." After stripping off Celene's jumpsuit and underwear. Letting the garments float freely around her Ellana span the floating Keiko around planting a kiss on her lips, assuming her form. "Dr Keiko Matsuo, 35, JAXA Astronaut and Astrophysicist. She and her husband have just amicably divorced, because they were both tired of living lives. Keiko was ready to come out as lesbian so she didn't need him as cover anymore while he met a woman he truly cared for. Interesting, her lover is on the ISS. I wonder who it is? Hold still damn you!" Ellana yelled at the unconscious Keiko who wouldn't stop spinning as she pulled the woman's polo shirt over her head, stripping a body in the low gravity proving to be just as difficult as getting dressed. Reaching around Keiko's back with one hand while stabilising her with the other, Ellana unhooked her blue lace bralette slipping from her shoulders to reveal cute A-cup breasts with circular perky slightly pointed brown areolas. Ellana ducked her head to avoid hitting the buckhead as see clasped on the underwear before crouching to unlaced her trainers, removing them along with the blue socks. Unfastening the Japanese astronauts cargo pants, Ellana heard a dull thud Keiko having caught her head on the ceiling as she yanked off the garment from her tanned dangling legs, along with the matching thong from between her thighs, revealing a small cl*tor*s decorated with a thick trimmed strip of black pubic hair and plum shaped pert buttocks. Getting dressed in the astronauts clothes proved to be once again a bother. Curse these humans and their stupid lack of artificial gravity!

Once she was dressed, Ellana decided to stash the naked toned body of Keiko in a locker without tying her up. I only intend to keep myself in Keiko's form, after all I only want to observe the astronauts. If I took them all out, that would void the observation and then some. And if I were to take a second astronaut that would just mean I would have to neutralise the others as well. Since a station this small means people are easily missed and there isn't that many places to stash a body... After stashing the naked form of Keiko along with Celene's clothes in the locker Ellana continued Keiko's experiment. Finding the activity and the results fascinating, Ellana propelled herself from the science module towards the medical module. I could ask some questions to Dr Lundy about healthcare needs in space and how humans adapt.

Medical Module 09:38am

Entering the module, Ellana found it to be empty. "Hello, Dr Lundy? Stella? I have a few questions for you." Suddenly Ellana felt a pair of arms encircle her waist. "Hello, Kiki baby! Don't I have a surprise for you!" Stella said as she nuzzled Ellana's neck before spinning her around to face her. "No I wouldn't-mmph!"Suddenly the canadian astronaut planted a kiss on Ellana's lips, which the Zenobian had no choice but to return. Taking Lundy into her arms. Why is it wherever I go on earth and now beyond I always bump into secret lovers? Well so much for best laid plans... She thought as she felt her form shift into that of Dr Stella Lundy. The woman herself letting out a low moan as she hung limply floating in Ellana's arms. "Usually I wouldn't complain, but you've made my life a lot more difficult!" Ellana scolded the unconscious woman as she pulled her inside the module by her polo shirt.

"Dr Stella Lundy, 34, CSA Astronaut and Chief Medical Officer. She and Keiko have been dating for the past year, through her divorce and they love each other very much. They met when Stella was on secondment to Tokyo, cross training with JAXA in preparation for this mission. It was her plan to surprise Keiko in this very module to show some special undies she was wearing and too be the first couple to make love in space. Well I have to see this underwear for myself." Ellana said as she shed Keiko's uniform before slipping off Stella's plimsolls. Learning her lesson from stripping Keiko, Ellana pinned the Canadian's body against the bulkhead as she pulled the woman's polo shirt over head, revealing B-cup breasts enhanced by a red lace push up bra. "Hmm? I think she would have appreciated this Stella. Well as you humans say; Finders keepers." She smirked unhooking the astronauts bra from the rear slipping it free to expose a buoyant pair of B-cup breasts with full puffy dark pink areolas. After clasping on the bra, Ellana unzipped Stella's trousers gently peeling them free of her graceful athletic body then whipped off her matching red lace tanga thong, getting a good glimpse of a full clean shaven womanhood and peach shaped buttocks. Carefully getting dressed in Stella's clothes, this time avoiding any bumps and scrapes, Ellana found some medical tape in a first aid kit using it to bind the naked Stella's wrists and ankles, gagging her before concealing her in a cupboard along with Keiko's clothing. "Well it looks like I will need to restrain Keiko after all." Sighing Ellana pocketed the tape then turned back, propelling herself back towards the science module.

Science Module 10:00am

When she floated into the science module, Ellana was greeted by the unwelcome sight of Mission Commander Zoe Freeman freeing a very naked and confused Keiko. "My god, Keiko!? What the hell happened?! Where are your clothes?" She asked as the stricken Keiko held her head in her hands, shaking it. "I just need to get my bearings, it's all a little blurry. Wait, Stella..." The woman flashed her an hopeful familiar look as Ellana approached them. Zoe turned to face her. "Lundy, it's good your here. I will grab the first aid kit from the bulkhead, take a look at her will you?" As Zoe turned her back to fetch the little green box, Ellana floated next to her, it was then the Japanese astronauts eyes fluttered with understanding. "Wait a minute! It was Celene, she attacked me-ugh!" Ellana quickly gripped the woman's throat, pinching her nerve clusters with a finger and thumb. Keiko let out a confused squeak of betrayal, eyes rolling back into her head as she hung limply in Ellana's grip. The sound had attracted Zoe, who was just starting to turn her head. "Stella! What are y-agh!?" Reacting quickly, the Zenobian struck the ebony skinned astronaut on the left side of her throat, sending her unconscious body spinning into the bulkhead with a thud! Ellana sighed as she regarded the two unconscious women. "What a mess! Well time to make lemonade from the lemons." She said stripping off Stella's outfit.

Pushing the unconscious naked Keiko away, Ellana flipped the unconscious Zoe to face her embracing her with a full passionate kiss as she assumed the Captain's voluptuous form, working her ponytail loose. " Zoe Freeman, 35, NASA Astronaut, USAF Captain and Mission Commander. She is happily married to a fellow USAF officer, a Major. They have two children, a 9 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. Zoe misses them awfully but keeps in regular contact with her family via Skype. She's looking forward to going home and spending quality time with them." Ellana adopted Zoe's ponytail before pulling up her white t-shirt over her head along with her white vest, revealing generously formed D-cup breasts with full black roundel shaped areolas. After slipping off Zoe's white plimsolls along with the black ankle socks, Ellana unbuttoned her navy cargo pants whipping them past her dangling long ebony legs, followed by the solid black scanty panties from between Zoe's thighs. Admiring the small cl*tor*s, crowned with a large trimmed triangle of black pubic fuzz and bubble buttocks of the naked toned American Ellana pulled on the woman's clothes. Then in a flash of inspiration, Ellana dragged the two naked astronauts together lashing them back to back with the medical type, binding their wrists and ankles together before gagging both of them by wrapping the tape around their heads. "Try getting free of that!" Ellana quipped as she left the bound naked women lashed together suspended in the zero gravity. She then floated away from the science module. " Now that little chores over, time to explore."

Hydroponics Module 10:15am

Dr Natalya Kovolyova busied herself conducting her hydroponics experiment, enjoying the freedom of her own company for once. This work is important to mankind's survival in space, yet the others just want to Skype messages to their families or make eyes at each other like Matsuo and Lundy. Freeman's too soft, were I commanded we would be doing things a little differently around here. Natalya sighed as her peace was shattered by the sudden appearance of Captain Zoe Freeman in the module. "Hmph. Good morning, "Commander". Are you here to see what real work looks like? Not that you would know anything about that." She said acidly, scratching notes on her clipboard. Zoe co*cked her head as she floated over Natalya's shoulder. "I just wanted to observe your experiment. It's hydroponics correct?" She asked reaching over to touch the samples. "No! Don't touch that it's sensitive material, I spent-ugh!!" Natalya roared with frustration as the commander knocked over her samples, sending compost and plant material floating all around them. "You stupid oafish American! It took me hours to prepare those!" Zoe backed away her arms outstretched. "Look, I'am sorry I didn't mean to-" Suddenly a cracking sound could be heard as Zoe's broke one of the containers, causing water to vent into the module. Natalya gritted her teeth rounding on the woman. "That's it! This is deliberate attempt to undermine me and my work! You only got this command over me because your younger, and American. Nevermind I have logged more time in space then you!" Zoe held out her hands. "Will you calm down! This was just an accident." Natalya held up her finger. "Bullsh*t! Don't you dear patronise me you jumped up American bi-ugh!!" The russian didn't see the neck chop coming, she let a cute pain grunt hanging limply unconscious in mid air. Ellana shook her head, stripping off Zoe's clothing." Well there is another way to learn what you were doing, Natalya. I might as well." She said leaning in to kiss the Russian, unwinding her braid.

" Dr Natalya Kovolyova, 38, Roscosmos, Cosmonaut and Executive Officer. She's been divorced 3 times with no children and is completely devoted to her job. She has a fierce rivalry with Zoe, who she believes is a talentless neanderthal focused only on her family and not on the mission. Natalya is convinced that Zoe only got picked to be commander because she's an American. And it seems this experiment was to test the possibility of growing plants in space, for human survival in space. Fascinating." Ellana copied Natalya's braid before unlacing her boots, removing them along with her white cotton socks. Unzipping the Roscosmos jumpsuit, Ellana peeled the garment from the blonde Russian's athletic form before pulling up her white undershirt exposing her well formed C-cup breasts with light pink rose petal areolas. Slipping on the undershirt, Ellana whipped off the matching hipster shorts from between Natalya's legs revealing a small pink womanhood topped with a tuft of golden blonde hair and pert buttocks. After she had finished getting dressed, Ellana bound up the naked athletic russian with the medical tape silencing her with a gag. "Well, that just leaves Gloria. I may as well neutralise and become her. That way I can secure the station and have free reign." Smiling she propelled herself from hydroponics, leaving the naked bound form of Natalya floating like a puppet.

The Medical Module 10:30am

Ellana didn't have to travel far to find Gloria as she backtracked towards the medical module. Ahead of her she found the young redheaded Spaniard removing the bound naked Stella from the cupboard, the woman gestured to Gloria as she noticed her. The Spanish astronaut span around pulling herself towards Ellana who rapidly closed the distance raising her right hand. "XO. Somebody assaulted Stella and stole her clo-ugh!!" Ellana's blow connected with the right side of Gloria's neck, the girl letting out a pained squeak as the impact sent her into the bulkhead with a thump where she hung limply unconscious. Ahead of her the naked terrified Stella screamed into her gag, tears streaming down her face. "Mmmph!" Grinning Ellana maneuvered her way past Gloria, coming to rest beside her. "Don't look at me like that, Stella!" This is all your fault. If you weren't so amorous then all of your friends would still be clothed... probably. Perhaps you can think on that while you sleep. Nighty night." She said gripping the Canadian's throat, applying the pinch to the vulnerable points on her throat. Stella slumped unconscious with an aroused muffled breath. Turning her attention to Gloria, Ellana pulled her into the module with the waistband of her trousers. "Time to get you naked, dear. Just like the rest of your friends."

After stripping off Natalya's clothing, Ellana span the limp unconscious Gloria around to face her planting a kiss on her inviting lips as she worked loose her black scrunchie. "Gloria Fuentes, 32, EEA Astronaut and Mechanical Engineer. Interesting, it was as Zoe said she is leaving for earth tomorrow and looking forward to setting foot on solid ground, not that I would blame her. How fortuitous. Gloria is most excited to enjoying a quesadilla and a few shots of tequila with her boyfriend Pepè. Who she misses most of all." Ellana said as she copied Gloria's bun before unzipping her EEA hooded top slipping it from her floating body one arm at a time. After pulling up the woman's t-shirt, Ellana unhooked Gloria's solid red bra admiring her small freckled B-cup breasts with full pink puffy areolas. Clasping on the undergarment, Ellana removed Gloria's Nike's then unlaced her tracksuit bottoms peeling off her slender hips and down her long slender legs. Whipping off the matching red tanga thong protecting the Spanish astronaut's modesty, Ellana caught a glimpse of a full womanhood crowned with a thick trimmed triangle of ginger pubic hair. Once she had finished getting dressed, Ellana left the naked Spaniard to float freely, there being no need to tie her up. Rubbing her hands together, Ellana looked around the space station, grinning in anticipation. "Now I have this place to myself, let's see what I can find out. I have an whole day after all."

With the freedom of the station, Ellana was pleasantly surprised when she discovered that they did indeed have ice cream abroad and it was her favourite vanilla. They were in small little tubes resembling toothpaste. She immediately grabbed an handful squirting out the contents into the low gravity, and chasing them around the modules savouring the taste of the frosted snack, while doing her best to control her momentum. She had even enjoyed some the best views of planet earth, she had seen. Once again she was reminded of how beautiful the planet was. Her unwitting guests, the astronauts had also provided much entertainment. Ellana had lashed together the two lovers and the bitter rivals, amused by their muffled screams as she span them around learning about the effects of low gravity on the human body. She had even knocked them out more than once and posed them like invisible puppets, whether dancing or in the case of Stella and Keiko embracing. When evening came, Ellana left the struggling women to float helplessly in the hydroponics module as she got her head down to prepare for what would probably be a trip as uncomfortable as breaking free of Earth's atmosphere.

09:00am Thursday 11th September 2024, The ISS.

Come the morning of her departure, Ellana had suited up in Gloria's spacesuit bading them farewell as she made her way to the docking module smiling as the naked bound women screamed muffled insults at her back. Packing some spare tubes of ice cream in her equipment belt, Ellana waited as the docking hatch opened to reveal a male EEA astronaut who smiled behind his helmet as she approached. "Dr Fuentes? Are you ready to go home to Madrid for a heroes welcome?" Ellana nodded as she floated past him into the shuttle. "Mhm. I'am looking forward to feeling solid ground under my feet, and I certainly won't miss the sensation of my insides floating around." She said as she strapped herself in while pilot busied himself with the hatch. "Tell me about it. Unfortunately, we still have re-entry to go through." Ellana gulped nervously. "Erm, it isn't has bad as getting here is it, is it?" The male astronaut turned in his seat as he activated the thrusters. "Well put it this way. You would want to have skipped breakfast." He chuckled as Ellana felt the shuttle lurch towards the blue planet, suddenly regretting those three tubes of ice cream she had eaten for breakfast.

MiB Headquarters, Underground Parking, TFE Support Van, New York City The Same Moment

Putting down his communicator, P turned to the rest of the Task Force. "That was Agent B. He has good news and he has bad news. The good news is that Ellana is finally off the ISS, I think we got off relatively lucky that she didn't make the thing fall out of the sky. I have instructed B to send up a clean up team to scrub up the mess our girl as undoubtedly made." L took a sip of her coffee. "And the bad news, Paddy?" Paddy let out a sigh. "She's going to be arriving to a heroes welcome, being the first spanish woman in space." M let out a low whistle. "That means Madrid, the Royal Palace. It will be a challenge to pluck her out with all those dignitaries and reporters hanging around." L rose from her chair, taking another gulp of her coffee. "That's where we will get her." She turned back around to face her team. "It will be a challenge, I won't lie. But since when have we ever backed away from a challenge." The team looked around with determined faces, M leaned back into her chair. "Well there goes my week off. You know it's a damn shame we can't swoop in and pull her out of the ocean. But then again it's never easy. Not with Ellana." Chuckling L turned to look at a monitor, which had a news report on Gloria Fuentes. Pausing it, she glared at the screen. "See you soon, old friend." Saluting the face of Gloria with her mug, L finished off her coffee relishing the hunt to come.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:55 pm, edited 8 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 35:-  On Human Space Travel (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.